国际核心学术刊物(排名不分先后) : | 国际会议论文集: |
IEEE Transactions on Communication | IEEE ICCAS |
IEEE Transactions on lnformation Theory | IEEE MTTS |
IEEE Transactions on lmage Processing | IEEE GLOBECOM |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technique | IEEE MILCOM |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | IEEE VTC |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | IEEE INFOCOM |
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics | IEEE SCC |
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics,Speech,Signal Processing | IEEE VLSI |
IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation | UDT(水下防卫国际会议) |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems | IEEE AP-S |
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications | IEEE EMC-S |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | IEEE ICAP |
IEEE Personal Communications | |
IEEE Wireless Communicatlons | |
IEEE Communications Letters | |
IEEE Communications Magazine | |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | |
IEEE Signal ProCessing Letters | |
IEEE Network | |
IEE Proceedings Communications | |
IEE Proceedings Communications,Speech and Vision | |
IEE Electronics Letters | |
Radio Science | |
IEE Electronics and Communications Engineering Journal | |
IEICE Transactions on Communications | |
Journal of Optical Society of America等美国光学学会的各种刊物 | |
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters(美国) | |
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Application(美国) | |
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves(美国) | |
Proceedings of IEEE | |
IEEE Trans.On Imagillg Processing | |
Speech Processing | |
IEEE Trans.On Aerospace and Electronics | |
J.Acoust.Soc.Am(Journal of Acoustics Society of America) | |
Signal Processing(IEE) | |
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | |
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting | |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | |
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing | |
IEEE Transactions on Visualizstion and Computer Graphics | |
Pattern Recognition | |
ACM Transactions on Graphics | |
SPIE | |